Rules about commenting
-...use bad vocabulary in the comments/trackback.
-...use sexual content in the comments/trackback.
-...solve your problems with other members using comments/trackback.
-...advertise my site without contacting me first.
-...use comments/trackback as a forum or a chat or a tagboard.
-...advertise your blogs/websites/diaries using comments/trackback.
-...advertise any other site/blog/diary using comments/trackback.
-...advertise yourself using comments/trackback.
-...write any e-mail adresses, including yours in the comments/trackback.
-...advertise any product or thing using comments/trackback.
-...use bad vocabulary for other members using comments/trackback.
-...throw links to sites of any content, especially porn/adult/camgirls sites.
These rules are only for my blog. At the other blogs you can do whatever you want and write whatever you want.
If anybody breaks or violates the rules, I'll send an e-mail to FortuneCity .This e-mail will contain:
1. the name of the person/member who broke the rule.
2. all the information and everything that this person/member said, so as to be identifyed by the company.
3. any information about the blogs/sites/diaries he advertised/published/judged/made fun of/hyperlinked.
4. info about the date/time this comment was sent.
5. a copy of this protocol of rules.
Have fun, angel.
Kisses! :)